IslamismOctober 19 2021, 14:05 pm

Coalition Calling For World-Wide Boycott Of Hilton Hotels Includes Global Muslim Brotherhood Groups

British media is report­ing a coali­tion of more than 40 inter­na­tion­al Mus­lim advo­ca­cy groups has launched a glob­al boy­cott of Hilton Hotels & Resorts. The boy­cott is intend­ed to pres­sure the cor­po­ra­tion over its refusal to end the con­struc­tion of accom­mo­da­tion on the site of a bull­dozed mosque in the Xin­jiang province of Chi­na. Accord­ing to a Yahoo UK arti­cle:

Sep­tem­ber 16, 2021 The boy­cott cam­paign comes after US politi­cians and rights groups issued calls in recent months for Hilton to pull out of the devel­op­ment. “Hilton should not allow its name to be used to per­pet­u­ate and pro­mote the cul­tur­al era­sure and repres­sion of the mil­lions of Uyghurs,” the bipar­ti­san US Con­gres­sion­al-Exec­u­tive Com­mis­sion on Chi­na wrote in July to Hilton CEO Christo­pher Nassetta.

Read the rest here.

The arti­cle also states that the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment has razed 16,000 mosques and altered or destroyed about 60 per­cent of the region’s Islam­ic sites. These include mosques and oth­er sites of the Uyghur minor­i­ty group which are being con­vert­ed for use as a pub­lic toi­let, reduced to bare ground, or paved over as car parks.

The boy­cott coali­tion includes sev­er­al Euro­pean and US Uyghur human rights groups as well as the fol­low­ing orga­ni­za­tions tied to the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood (GMB):

  • Coun­cil on Amer­i­can-Islam­ic Rela­tions, among the most impor­tant Mus­lim civ­il soci­ety orga­ni­za­tions in the US, found­ed in 1994 by offi­cers of the Islam­ic Asso­ci­a­tion of Pales­tine, part of the US Hamas infra­struc­ture at that time.

On 8 Sep­tem­ber 2021, the coali­tion deliv­ered a let­ter to Hilton head­quar­ters in Vir­ginia, giv­ing the cor­po­ra­tion one week to end the agree­ment to license the pro­jec­t’s con­struc­tion. Hilton Hotels did not react pub­licly, ulti­mate­ly trig­ger­ing the boy­cott. On 16 Octo­ber 2021, coali­tion mem­bers par­tic­i­pat­ed in an edu­ca­tion­al leaflet­ing cam­paign inform­ing about Chi­nese human rights vio­la­tions that took place out­side Hilton hotels in sev­er­al major US cities, includ­ing in New York City, Wash­ing­ton, DC, Mem­phis, and Boston. In addi­tion, the coali­tion has launched an online peti­tion dri­ve for the cause.


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