A European Muslim Brotherhood women’s group has reported on an online event titled “Tackling Gendered Islamophobia in Europe” hosted on 21 September by the Federation of Muslim Youth and Student Organizations (FEMYSO). According to the European Forum of Muslim Women (EFOMW) report, the event was co-hosted by the European Parliament Intergroup on Anti-Racism and Diversity (ARDI) and moderated by the EFOMW. Speakers included:
- Helena Dalli – European Commissioner for Equality
- Michael O’Flaherty – Director, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- Evin Incir MEP – Co-President, ARDI
- Samira Rafela MEP – Co-President, ARDI
- Hande Taner – Council of Europe Advisory Council on Youth Member, FEMYSO
In their respective speeches, the speakers emphasized their concerns over the rise of Islamophobia and addressed the means to tackle discrimination against Muslim women. The newly released EU Anti Racism Action Plan 2020–2025 was introduced, which, according to the EFOMW website, is the “result of fruitful discussion between EU Commission, EU parliament inclusive ARDI and civil society organisations working against racism.”
The Forum of Muslim Youth and Student Organizations (FEMYSO) is the youth/student arm of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) and is registered as an NGO in Brussels. FEMYSO has developed relationships with the Council of Europe, the European Commission, and many other significant organizations at the European and international level. One of the important leaders of FEMYSO over the years has been German Muslim Brotherhood leader Ibrahim El-Zayat. In recent times, its leadership has been drawn from the family of important Global Muslim Brotherhood leaders, including the daughter of Rachid Ghannouchi. Current FEMYSO President Abdelrahman Rizk is a former Vice President of the Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS).
The European Forum of Muslim Women (EFOMW) is affiliated with the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), the umbrella group representing the European Muslim Brotherhood. The history of the EFOMW provided on the organization’s website obscures this background but a cursory examination of the group’s member organizations and its current leadership continues to show many links to FIOE and the European Muslim Brotherhood. Several of EFOMW’s current and former officers are the wives or relatives of leading FIOE officers, such as former EFOMW President Noura Jaballah (wife of Ahmed Jaballah), Nadia Karmous (wife of Mohamed Karmous) or Hiba Taraji (sister of Houaida Taraji).
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch (GMBDW) has reported on attempts by the Global Muslim Brotherhood to dominate the European discourse on Islamophobia:
- In September 2019, the GMBDW reported on the creation of a “European coalition against Islamophobia,” which was mostly comprised of organizations tied to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.
- In March 2016, the GMBDW reported that the European Forum of Muslim Women had organized a hearing at the European Parliament on the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women.
- In May 2015, the GMBDW reported that FEMYSO held an Islamophobia event in a facility of the Council of Europe.
- In November 2013, the GMBDW reported that the “UK Islamophobia Awareness Month” was controlled by the UK Muslim Brotherhood.
- In May 2011, the GMBDW reported that a coalition of UK Muslim Brotherhood groups held a conference on Islamophobia.
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