The Global Influence Operations Report (GIOR) has published the second in our series on the Global Muslim Brotherhood in Europe titled, “Europe and the Global Muslim Brotherhood Part 2: Lobbying & Political Impacts” According to the report synopsis:
European groups tied to the GLOBAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (GMB) have been actively lobbying European executive and legislative bodies such as the European Commission and the European Parliament, trying to impact supranational policy affecting European Muslims. The primary policy arenas for this activity have been civil rights & religious freedom, counterterrorism, and law enforcement. Although using modern language to couch their criticisms of European policies, the groups appear to be pursuing long-held Islamist goals such as defending the hijab (Islamic headscarf ) and obstructing counterterrorism efforts. The groups have achieved varying degrees of success, significantly including establishing working relationships with MEPs and top EU officials. The legitimacy and status bestowed on European GMB groups by such EU and EU officials raise questions about the wider impact of these groups on European civil society.
Download the full report here.
The first part in the series was titled “Europe and the Global Muslim Brotherhood Part” and can be downloaded here.