IslamismAugust 11 2022, 6:05 am

GIOR REPORT: Europe and the Global Muslim Brotherhood Part 2: Lobbying & Political Impacts

The Glob­al Influ­ence Oper­a­tions Report (GIOR) has pub­lished the sec­ond in our series on the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood in Europe titled, “Europe and the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Part 2: Lob­by­ing & Polit­i­cal Impacts” Accord­ing to the report synopsis:

Euro­pean groups tied to the GLOBAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (GMB) have been active­ly lob­by­ing Euro­pean exec­u­tive and leg­isla­tive bod­ies such as the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion and the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, try­ing to impact supra­na­tion­al pol­i­cy affect­ing Euro­pean Mus­lims. The pri­ma­ry pol­i­cy are­nas for this activ­i­ty have been civ­il rights & reli­gious free­dom, coun­tert­er­ror­ism, and law enforce­ment. Although using mod­ern lan­guage to couch their crit­i­cisms of Euro­pean poli­cies, the groups appear to be pur­su­ing long-held Islamist goals such as defend­ing the hijab (Islam­ic head­scarf ) and obstruct­ing coun­tert­er­ror­ism efforts. The groups have achieved vary­ing degrees of suc­cess, sig­nif­i­cant­ly includ­ing estab­lish­ing work­ing rela­tion­ships with MEPs and top EU offi­cials. The legit­i­ma­cy and sta­tus bestowed on Euro­pean GMB groups by such EU and EU offi­cials raise ques­tions about the wider impact of these groups on Euro­pean civ­il society.

Down­load the full report here.

The first part in the series was titled “Europe and the Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Part”  and can be down­loaded here.


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