
In 2016, the New York Times char­ac­ter­ized News­max as an “influ­en­tial media com­pa­ny that has estab­lished itself as a potent force in con­ser­v­a­tive politics:”

News­max, the mag­a­zine and Web site that Mr. Rud­dy found­ed more than a decade ago, is the right-wing populist’s Time or Newsweek. With a paid cir­cu­la­tion of 230,000, the mag­a­zine reach­es more homes than The Week­ly Stan­dard or Nation­al Review, two of the high­er brow pil­lars of Amer­i­can con­ser­vatism, by offer­ing what Mr. Rud­dy says is “news that Amer­i­cans in the heart­land would like to see.” He and his edi­tors mix cov­er pieces with arti­cles like “The Jesus Ques­tion: Will He Ever Return” and “Heart­land War­rior: Michele Bachmann’s Pas­sion­ate Stand for Amer­i­can Val­ues” along­side items about Ann Coulter’s deci­sion to turn down “Danc­ing With the Stars.” Among news sites that draw large con­ser­v­a­tive audi­ences, only has more vis­i­tors, accord­ing to Nielsen, and Newsmax’s e‑mail alerts go out dai­ly to 3.2 mil­lion people.

More. recent­ly, the sta­tion has been deemed a “Pro-Trump network.”