The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), the country’s domestic intelligence agency, is reporting that YouTube has blocked almost 500 pro-Russian channels with an audience of over 15 million subscribers at their request. The SBU also says that 1,529 Telegram channels and bots, 426 Instagram accounts, 93 Facebook accounts, and 1,050 TikTok accounts were blocked. According to an SBU Telegram post:
June 25, 2022 Silly fakes about “biolabs” and radio-controlled geese, hatred of Ukrainians and refined lies for their citizens This is exactly the formula used by Russian propaganda, generating an endless stream of delusion. However, it is not effective in Ukraine. After all, the SBU successfully opposes the racists not only in battles, but also on the information front. The Service’s cyber specialists detain hostile agitators and agents, neutralize cyberattacks and expose Russian fakes. Thus, at the request of the SBU, almost 500 pro-Russian Youtube channels with an audience of more than 15 million subscribers were blocked. 1529 Telegram channels and bots, 426 Instagram accounts, 93 Facebook accounts and 1050 TikTok accounts were blocked. And you can also join the information struggle: send to our official chatbot ➡️ information about Internet agents who “merge” important information to the enemy or distribute content on social networks in support of the invaders. Remember that information is also a weapon. We keep the system and defend Ukraine together! [Translated with Google Translate]
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In October, the Global Influence Operations Report (GIOR) reported that YouTube said it had removed more than two million Russian videos since 2019. More recently, we reported that a small network of pro-Kremlin content creators posing as independent journalists have seen their audiences grow dramatically amid the Ukraine war, identifying several key accounts, some of which have seen their audience grow tenfold in recent months.
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