The most straightforward way of supporting the GIOR is by making donations that can be made by clicking here or by clicking on the donation button on the home page and in the right-hand column. Any amount will be gratefully accepted and all donations are securely handled by PayPal and can be made either with a PayPal account or with all major credit cards. Names of contributors will never be publicly disclosed nor shared with anybody else at any time nor for any reason. You can also help by feeling free to send us any developments that you become aware of and that you would think fit into our outlook and coverage. Most valued are local developments that we might never come across on our own. Please use the contact form for this purpose. Anything done to further inform the world of our existence would also be of great service. So, feel free to share our postings via email, Twitter, Facebook, or by any means you see fit.
July 23 2022, 4:10 am
How can I support the work of the Global Influence Operations Report?
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