July 23 2022, 4:10 am

How can I support the work of the Global Influence Operations Report?

The most straight­for­ward way of sup­port­ing the GIOR is by mak­ing dona­tions that can be made by click­ing here or by click­ing on the dona­tion but­ton on the home page and in the right-hand col­umn. Any amount will be grate­ful­ly accept­ed and all dona­tions are secure­ly han­dled by Pay­Pal and can be made either with a Pay­Pal account or with all major cred­it cards.  Names of con­trib­u­tors will nev­er be pub­licly dis­closed nor shared with any­body else at any time nor for any rea­son. You can also help by feel­ing free to send us any devel­op­ments that you become aware of and that you would think fit into our out­look and cov­er­age. Most val­ued are local devel­op­ments that we might nev­er come across on our own. Please use the con­tact form for this pur­pose. Any­thing done to fur­ther inform the world of our exis­tence would also be of great ser­vice. So, feel free to share our post­ings via email, Twit­ter, Face­book, or by any means you see fit.