Tag Archive: strategy

RECOMMENDED READING: “The Real Threat of Foreign Interference Comes After Election Day”
<p>Foreign Affairs has posted an article asserting that the US may be most vulnerable to foreign influence operations after the […]</p>
ANALYSIS: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Case Study On Multi-Country Influence Operations
<p>The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region has heated up once again, and various influence actors have […]</p>
DHS Homeland Threat Analysis Identifies Russian Election Meddling Unlike China and Iran Reporting
<p>As the Global Influence Operations Report (GIOR) reported earlier, the US Department of Homeland Security has released its October 2020 “Homeland […]</p>
RECOMMENDED READING: “With A Mix Of Covert Disinformation And Blatant Propaganda, Foreign Adversaries Bear Down On Final Phase Of Presidential Campaign”
<p>In late August, the Washington Post reported a useful analysis of the difference between the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian approach […]</p>