Turkish-Dutch media is reporting that the Turkish Embassy in the Netherlands hosted a Republic Day reception attended by several pro-Turkish or Islamist groups. According to the Platform Dergisi report:
November 3rd, 2021: The 98th anniversary of the 29 October Republic Day was celebrated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hosted by the Turkish Embassy in The Hague and with the contribution of the Consulate Generals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Deventer… [Translated by Google]
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According to the article, Turkish embassy and consular officials attended the reception. Other attendees included representatives of:
- DENK: a progressive Dutch migrant political party with a pro-Turkish stance
- The North Holland Millî Görüş Organization (Dutch: Milli Görüş Noord-Nederland), a local branch of Millî Görüş
- The South Holland Millî Görüş Organization (Dutch: Nederlandse Islamitische Federatie; NIF) another local branch of Millî Görüş
- Turkish Federation (Dutch: Turkse Federatie Nederland, Turkish: Türk Federasyon), a Gray Wolves organization
Republic Day is a Turkish national holiday commemorating the founding of the secular Turkish Republic.
Millî Görüş is a Turkish political movement whose aim is to transform Turkey into an Islamic state. The movement was founded in 1969 by former Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, who, until his death, headed the Islamist Felicity Party in Turkey. The ideology and political agenda of Millî Görüş has called for an end to the secular regime in Turkey through education and preaching.
The Gray Wolves (aka the Idealist Hearths; Ülkü Ocakları) are a Turkish ultranationalist youth and street movement connected to the coalition partner of Erdoğan’s AKP party.
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