October 14 2020, 6:38 am

US National Security Advisory Claims China Most Active In Election Meddling- No Evidence Presented.

Glob­al media is report­ing that the US Nation­al Secu­ri­ty claimed last month with­out evi­dence that Chi­na was the most active of the coun­tries try­ing to inter­fere in the upcom­ing US elec­tions. Accord­ing to one report:

Sep­tem­ber 4, 2020 Chi­na has tak­en the most active role among coun­tries seek­ing to inter­fere in the US elec­tion and has the biggest pro­gram to influ­ence domes­tic pol­i­tics, the US nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, Robert O’Brien, said on Fri­day, with­out pro­vid­ing any details.“We know the Chi­nese have tak­en the most active role,” O’Brien told reporters at a brief­ing. He said Chi­na had “the most mas­sive pro­gram to influ­ence the Unit­ed States polit­i­cal­ly” fol­lowed by Iran and then Rus­sia. US intel­li­gence found that Rus­sia orches­trat­ed a cyber cam­paign to sway the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in Don­ald Trump’s favor and there have been reports hack­ers may try to influ­ence the elec­tion on 3 Novem­ber. Trump has long reject­ed that con­clu­sion, and instead por­trayed him­self as a vic­tim of elec­tion med­dling – from Beijing.“We’ve made it very clear to the Chi­nese, to the Rus­sians, to the Ira­ni­ans and oth­ers that haven’t been pub­licly dis­closed that any­one … that attempts to inter­fere with the Amer­i­can elec­tions will face extra­or­di­nary con­se­quences,” O’Brien said.

Read there rest here.

Based on what the GIOR has seen with respect to elec­tion inter­fer­ence, we judge this to be part of a Trump admin­is­tra­tion dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign and there­fore is being cat­e­go­rized accordingly.